With Windows Server 2022 node pools not yet supported by managed Kubernetes offerings like Azure Kubernetes Service or GKE, open issues in containerd and the long transition time it generally takes, not many currently benefit from the announced down-level compatbility for Windows containers. This means that the need for building...
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Kubernetes-native CI/CD with Windows container support of Tekton
Kubernetes-native CI/CD systems build upon containers and Kubernetes as a runtime environment and use Kubernetes resources like Jobs for running the steps of your pipeline. This enables reproducability, performance, autoscaling & highly parallel jobs for your pipelines.
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Directly running Windows containers with containerd from the command line
Did you ever wonder how Kubernetes or Docker is using containerd under the hood to run your Windows containers? Let’s skip those abstractions and see how you can use containerd directly to run Windows containers with the ctr and the crictl CLI. We look on how to set up containerd,...
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Migrating a VS Code Extension to another Publisher
If you’re a VS Code extension developer and having the need to migrate your VS Code extension to another publisher, you might found that there’s no official, standard or automated way to easily do that.
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Building Windows multi-arch container images on Linux
When running Windows containers the container host version must match the image version. For container image publishers this often introduces the desire to provide multi-arch Windows images for all different available Windows versions for their users.
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